Fiba basketball court dimensions

Ever think about what makes basketball courts found in other countries different from those used in the NBA? The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) sets the rules for the sizes of the courts. These dimensions can give you interesting information about how it is played around the world. Join us as we get into the details of FIBA basketball court dimensions and show you how they affect the exciting world of basketball played around the world.

Standard FIBA Basketball Court Dimensions

Length and Width

A standard Fiba basketball court dimensions are 28 meters (91.86 feet) in length and 15 meters (49.21 feet) in width. Compared to NBA courts, which are slightly larger at 28.65 meters (94 feet) in length and 15.24 meters (50 feet) in width, FIBA courts are designed to accommodate the international style of play. The dimensions of the court play a crucial role in the pace and style of the game, influencing player movement, spacing, and overall strategy.

Free Throw Line

The free throw line in FIBA basketball is situated 4.6 meters (15.09 feet) from the backboard. This distance is consistent with NBA regulations and plays a fundamental role in scoring opportunities, fouls, and game strategy. Free throws are critical in basketball as they offer uncontested scoring opportunities, requiring precision and focus from players.

Three-Point Line

The three-point line in FIBA basketball is set at a distance of 6.75 meters (22.15 feet) from the basket. This is closer than the NBA’s three-point line, which is 7.24 meters (23.75 feet) from the basket. The closer distance in FIBA rules encourages more three-point attempts and emphasizes the importance of outside shooting in international play. Teams must strategically position shooters and defenders to capitalize on this shorter distance.

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Detailed Breakdown of Court Areas

The Key (Paint Area)

The key, also known as the paint area or the keyhole, is a critical zone on the basketball court. In Fiba basketball court dimensions regulations, the key is 5.8 meters (19.03 feet) wide. This is narrower than the NBA’s key width of 4.88 meters (16 feet). The key plays a significant role in offensive and defensive strategies. For offensive players, it provides an area close to the basket for scoring opportunities, while defensively, it forces teams to protect the basket and prevent easy scoring inside.

Three-Point Arc

The three-point arc in FIBA basketball starts at the same point as the NBA line—extending from the baseline to a distance of 6.75 meters (22.15 feet) from the basket. The arc curves around the court, defining the area from which three-point shots can be attempted. The placement of the arc influences offensive spacing and defensive strategies, as teams must defend against outside shooters while also protecting the paint.

Center Circle

The center circle in FIBA basketball has a radius of 1.8 meters (5.91 feet). It is located at the midpoint of the court and is used for jump ball situations to start the game and overtime periods. During a jump ball, two players—one from each team—stand in the center circle while the referee tosses the ball into the air. The team that gains possession of the ball after the jump ball has the initial offensive opportunity.

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Fiba basketball court dimensions

Court Markings and Lines

Boundary Lines

Boundary lines outline the perimeter of the basketball court, marking the playing area and establishing out-of-bounds limits. Players must stay within the boundary lines during play, and stepping outside these lines results in turnovers or out-of-bounds violations.

Half-Court Line

The half-court line divides the basketball court into two equal halves. It is located midway between the two baskets and extends from one sideline to the other sideline. The half-court line is crucial for transition play, as it delineates offensive and defensive zones. Teams must advance the ball past the half-court line within 8 seconds to avoid a violation known as a backcourt violation.

Restricted Area

The restricted area, also known as the key or the “paint,” is a semi-circle located under the basket. In Fiba basketball court dimensions rules, the restricted area has a radius of 1.25 meters (4.10 feet). This area is designed to prevent defensive players from taking charges too close to the basket and encourages more dynamic offensive plays. Offensive players driving to the basket within the restricted area may also have foul calls affected by defenders within this zone.

Court ElementMeasurementDescription
Length of Court28 meters (91.86 feet)Distance from baseline to baseline.
Width of Court15 meters (49.21 feet)Distance from sideline to sideline.
Free Throw Line4.6 meters (15.09 feet)Distance from the backboard to the free throw line.
Three-Point Line6.75 meters (22.15 feet)Distance from the basket for three-point shots.
Key (Paint Area)5.8 meters (19.03 feet)Width of the key, or paint area, near the basket.
Three-Point Arc6.75 meters (22.15 feet)Distance from the basket where the three-point arc starts and extends around the court.
Center Circle1.8 meters (5.91 feet) radiusCircle at midcourt used for jump balls to start the game and overtimes.
Restricted Area1.25 meters (4.10 feet) radiusSemi-circle under the basket to prevent defensive players from taking charges too close to the hoop.

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The Importance of Uniform Court Dimensions

  • Fairness: Uniform Fiba basketball court dimensions ensure fair competition by eliminating size advantages.
  • Preparation: Standard dimensions help teams prepare effectively for games and tournaments.
  • Global Standard: Consistency supports FIBA’s global basketball standard.
  • Spectator Experience: Provides a predictable and enjoyable viewing experience.
  • Operational Efficiency: Simplifies logistics and broadcasting setup.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures adherence to FIBA regulations.
  • Player Safety: Reduces injury risks with consistent court layouts.
  • Strategic Adaptation: Encourages innovative gameplay strategies.
  • Youth Development: Aids in skill development for young athletes.
  • Referee Consistency: Promotes uniform officiating standards.
  • Equipment Standardization: Simplifies procurement and maintenance.
  • International Competition Readiness: Helps teams prepare for global tournaments.
  • Statistical Comparisons: Enables accurate performance evaluations over time.


Understanding Fiba basketball court dimensions is essential for appreciating the intricacies of international basketball. These standardized measurements ensure fairness, consistency, and competitive balance across global competitions. As the sport continues to evolve, staying informed about these dimensions will deepen your appreciation for the game and its global impact.


1.Are there any proposals to change FIBA court dimensions?

While no major changes are currently proposed, FIBA continuously reviews the dynamics of basketball to enhance the game’s competitiveness and appeal. Adjustments to court dimensions or rules may be considered in the future to align with evolving trends in international basketball.

2.How does a FIBA court differ from a high school basketball court?

High school basketball courts in the U.S. typically measure 25.6 meters (84 feet) by 15.2 meters (50 feet), which is slightly smaller than FIBA’s standard dimensions of 28 meters (91.86 feet) by 15 meters (49.21 feet). Additionally, the three-point line and other court markings may vary between high school and FIBA regulations, reflecting regional preferences and rules.

3.Can NBA players easily adapt to FIBA court dimensions?

NBA players may initially face challenges adapting to the smaller dimensions of a FIBA court and different rules, such as the closer three-point line and modified key area. However, with practice and experience, NBA athletes can adjust their playing style to effectively compete in international competitions governed by FIBA standards. Adaptation often involves strategic adjustments in spacing, shooting techniques, and defensive positioning to optimize performance on the international stage.

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Emily Scarlett

Writer & Blogger

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Emily Scarlett

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